
Server for Collaborative Office Applications

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Spreadsheet tests

Frequently asked questions

  • What is the licence for TellTable-s
    TellTable-s is licenced under ther GNU LGPL. This means that you are free to download, copy, use, modify and distribute it, as long as you make the source code of any modifications available.

    Note that TellTable-s contains the entire server components of the TellTable suite. This provides all the collaborative functions. For auditing cabability, TellTable does include additional software, which is licenced differently.

  • How can I try out TellTable-s
    The easiest way to test TellTable-s, is to use the Knoppix based distribution we have prepared. The ISO image may be downloaded here

  • What documentation is available
    The following documents describe our philosophy of collaborative software, as well as details of the design of TellTable.
    • Knowing what was done: uses of a spreadsheet log file
      A. Adler, J.C. Nash
      Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE), 1(2):118-130, 2004.
      Abstract, On-line article,
    • TellTable Spreadsheet Audit: from technical possibility to operating prototype
      John Nash, Andy Adler, Neil Smith
      EuSpRIG 2004, Conf. of the European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group July 15 -16, 2004 Klagenfurt, Austria
    • Audit and change analysis of spreadsheets
      J.C. Nash, N. Smith, A. Adler
      2003 EuSpRIG Conference (European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group). Dublin, Ireland, July 24-25, 2003.
      Also School of Management, University of Ottawa, Working Paper 03-23.
      PDF Presentaion
    • Challenges in Collaborative Authoring Software
      A. Adler, J.C. Nash, S. Noël
      Submitted, Mar. 2004.
    • TellTable: A Server for Collaborative Office Applications
      A. Adler, J. Nash, S. Noêl
      Submitted Sept. 2004 to 6th int. Workshop Collaborative Editing Systems (CSCW 2004), Chicago, USA